She achieved the South Indian International Movie Awards, in 2015. In the film Chandralekha, she made her Kannan debut, in 2014. In the film Lovely, she made her debut, in 2012. For her best acting, she achieved the best actress awards three times. Keep Watching – Top Kannada Actress name list with photo | Kannada heroine names and Photo 6 Shanvi SrivastavaĪn actress and model of India, Shanvi Srivastava worked in Telugu and Kannan film industry. In the Kannada film industry, she is well popular face. In her acting career, she is very successful and famous.
Through her acting in her first movie, she became a superhit actress, because of her excellent performance, body language, and amazing dialogue delivery.ĭil Rangeela, her film, was released in 2014.
She worked in a successful commercial film with paired opposite Darshan. With Nithya Ram, her sister she appeared in the Kannada television soap Benkiyalli Aralida Hoover. In Dil Rangeela (2014) and Ambareesha (2014), she also worked as a lead character. she also appeared in many successfully TV shows. In Kannada cinema, she is well popular for her best acting. A film actress of India, Rachita Ram is an very famous actress.